With our epidemiology and genetic research services, we help you understand patient populations. Our clients trust our results, and this is where ISCON Statistics excels.

Epidemiology helps with quantifying, segmenting, and projecting patient populations in the pharmaceutical industry. At ISCON Statistics, our team of statisticians will help you determine these populations through means, such as:

  1. A meta-analysis of disease statistics
  2. Global secondary research of reliable epidemiological literature
  3. Analyzing and deciphering patient registries and databases
  4. Assessing and analyzing disease trends, like changes in demographics, causational factors/diseases, and diagnostic criteria

We are at the forefront of modern epidemiologic methodology as well as practice. Driven by your research objectives, our statisticians bring scientific integrity, rigor to protocol design, research reporting, and data analytics. Their expertise elevates understanding and knowledge of the safety and efficacy of drugs, biologics, devices, and healthcare delivery.

We also offer affordable, cutting-edge genomic data management and analysis. ISCON Statistics has a strong and reliable history of excellence and a remarkable future in innovative genetics research.

Leveraging the latest technology and resources, experts at ISCON Statistics have the capability and experience to undertake a wide array of research projects. These projects include large-scale and high throughput genome-wide association research studies on tens of thousands of samples as well as small-scale pilot candidate gene projects.